Sports news included...
Some schools in Lagos are refusing to observe the one week mid-term break as directed by the Quality Assurance Department of the Ministry of Education. Their reason is because the announcement by the government was rather sudden and they are worried that their students’ academics could suffer as a result. The President of the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools, Yomi Otubela, told our correspondent that parents might be unable to provide adequate security for children, because the holiday was hurriedly announced
Government officials should be on their way to the Makoko area of Lagos state today, to inspect a school that trended after a viral video showed school children in a pool of water singing the National Anthem. According to the government, the school building was demolished and is currently under reconstruction. The officials will ascertain the level of progress so far.
The second edition of the Africa Western Region Championship begins today at the Molade Okoya-Thomas Hall, Teslim Balogun Stadium, Lagos.
The four-day championship will see hosts, Nigeria, slugged it out with Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin Republic, Togo and Liberia.
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